Meet our latest edition, he/she is 8 weeks and 3 days old today. The best part was seeing the heart beat (which this photo doesn't show), but next time we are in the Dr office for an ultra-sound, I want to try and video part of it to show everyone. It is truely amazing - this tiny 1.58 cm baby has a strong beating heart!
I just bought the paint for the baby's room and Tim is going to start painting in the next few weeks... so I will post pictures soon. I plan on doing a mural too! We bought blue for the ceiling and yellow for the walls. I figured it could go either boy or girl. I had a pretty strong feeling at first that we were having a boy... but now I'm not so sure. Neither of us wants to find out till the birth ;-)
Oh, I discovered a few things while pregnant too... first, bagels with cream cheese for the most part cures nausea (well, it usually works for me), and second icecream cures headaches! Since my discoveries I can pretty much handle both situations... although 6 or 7 bowls of icecream and several bagels a day isn't exactly the best diet ;-)
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